Njeriu i monumenteve në Shqipëri

Mbretëresha e Anglisë

Auron Tare

The Monuments Man and Albania.

Viti 1943. Fati i Luftes Boterore ende nuk dihej megjithese ushtria Gjermane ishte mberthyer ne luftimet e Stalingradit.

Ne Universitetin e Harvardit nje grup i vogel expertesh te arkeologjise, hartonin listat e sakta te monumenteve te Trashegimise Kulturore Shqiptare dhe vendodhjen e tyre. Pritej nje zbarkim i mundshem i ushtrive aleate ne Ballkan dhe keto materiale ju jepeshin çdo njesie ushtarake per te pasur parasysh vendodhjen e tyre per te mos i demtuar. Lista e gjate ka nje numer monumentesh arkeologjike, kisha manastire dhe ura antike si dhe shpjegimet perkatese per ushtaraket amerikane duke treguar rendesine e tyre per trashegimine kulturore shqiptare.

Gusht 2021
Per kuriozitet lexoj Listen e Sarandes pregatitur nga Grupi i Harvardit.

Nga kjo Liste vetem Butrinti eshte i njohur dhe i ruajtur te gjitha vendet e tjera qe permenden ne Listen e Harvardit si zona me rendesi te madhe arkeologjike dhe kulturore askush nuk i njeh , nuk i viziton apo i ruan njeri. Njera prej tyre Tempulli Antik i Cukes tashme eshte zhdukur dhe me te lulezon nje ndertim “i rendesishem” post komunist.

Listen e Durresit nuk po e shkruaj fare se jam i sigurte qe hartuesit e saj ne Harvard do te rrotulloheshin atje ku prehen ne se do te mesonin se cdodhi me ato monumente.

Dokumenti i Harvardit eshte nje ironi e madhe e shoqerise post komuniste shqiptare ku 70 e ca kusur vite me pare kur Europa digjej ne flake, nje grusht burrash kerkonin te ruanin trashegimine kulturore shqiptare me cdo kush. Kjo Liste tregon se sa larg jemi ne nga kjo bote e qyteteruar qe pretendojme se duam te shkojme. Eshte nje pasqyre per te gjithe ata burra dhe gra qe jane pjese e Trashegimise Kulturore Shqiptare per te kuptuar se trashegimia eshte nje univers i pakufi qe lidh dhe bashkon mendjet e ndritura nga barbaria vulgare qe ka pllakosur kete vend.

Interesant eshte gjithashtu fakti qe ky dokument i hartuar nga Sherbimi i Inteligjences Amerikane OSS, ka emrin i nje prej zerave me te njohur te historise Bizantine, Prof Ernst Kitzinger perpjekjet e te cilit sebashku me grupin e tij jane tashme portretizuar ne filmin e njohur te Holywood “Monuments Man”


1943. The fate of World War II was not yet known, although the German army was stuck in the fighting of Stalingrad.

At Harvard University a small group of experts are compiling an accurate lists of Albanian Cultural Heritage monuments and their location. A possible landing of Allied armies in the Balkans was expected and these materials were given to each military unit to take into account their location so to avoid possible damages. The long list has a number of archeological monuments, churches, monasteries and ancient bridges as well as relevant explanations for the American military showing their importance for the Albanian cultural heritage.

August 2021
For curiosity I read the Saranda List prepared by the Harvard Group.

From this List only Butrint is known and preserved all the other places mentioned in the Harvard List as areas of great archaeological and cultural importance no one knows, no one visits or promotes. One of them, the Ancient Temple of Cuka, has already disappeared and a “significant” post-communist construction is flourishing in top of the ancient temple.
I would not like to write about the Durres List at all because I am sure that its compilers at Harvard would turn in their graves where they rest if they learned what happened to those monuments.

The Harvard document is a great irony of the post-communist Albanian society where over 70 years ago when Europe was on fire, a handful of men wanted to preserve the Albanian cultural heritage. This List shows how far we are from this civilized world that we claim we would like to be. It is a mirror for all those men and women who are part of the Albanian Cultural Heritage to understand that heritage is a boundless universe that connects and unites enlightened minds from the vulgar barbarism that has plagued this country.

Also interesting is the fact that this document, drafted by the American Intelligence Service OSS, is named after one of the most famous voices in Byzantine history, Prof. Ernst Kitzinger, whose efforts together with his group have already been portrayed in the famous Hollywood film. “Monuments Man”